Grammar for Writing starts with a thorough review of composition: the writing process, paragraphs/essays, sentences, and the forms of writing. Then, it settles into the main thrust of the course – detailed coverage of ways that grammar, usage, and mechanics provide the foundation for effective written communication. It is comprehensive; providing instruction coupled with examples and assignments. There is an emphasis on editing and proof-reading, which results in self-revision on composition assignments but also in peer input and learning to give effective and helpful writing feedback.
The course is divided into four Parts: composition, grammar, usage, and mechanics plus a final Part that gives strategic help for standardized tests – the SAT and ACT – even including practice test questions along with a timed essay prompt. Sixteen chapters, each with 4-8 lessons, include instruction plus exercises. Most chapters include a Revising and Editing Worksheet and end with a Chapter Review. Since tests are available only as part of classroom packs, and test answers are not available to us, the Chapter Reviews questions coupled with writing assignments can easily substitute.
The Teacher Edition provides some overview and philosophy statements, but primarily provides lesson by lesson differentiating instruction for English learners and striving learners. All student pages are also provided. These include answers when relevant, but since many exercises involve writing applications, these are limited.
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